By Musicians. For Musicians.
We are a marketplace committed to musicians. We don’t publish pieces of music. We find gifted composers that we believe in and give them the tools and freedom to promote themselves.
Hear it. See it. Buy it.™
We provide an easy way to find high quality sheet music. Our platform makes it easy to search by composer, ensemble, theme, and other tags. Each score has its own page allowing users to hear and see the entire piece. Scores are available for immediate digital download and printing, based on the number of licenses purchased.
Building Community.
We are committed to connecting conductors and performers with composers. When you purchase a piece, you will be put in contact with the composer so that you can ask questions, set up a Skype rehearsal, do a commission, or just send some fan mail. Everyone loves fan mail.
The Right Thing.
Our MusicSpoke Composers receive the majority of the proceeds from sales and retain control over their own works. In the current system, over 90% of all sales dollars go to companies not composers. We are committed to supporting the creators of the works. We believe that it is the right thing to do.
We are now in our limited beta testing phase. We would like to hear any suggestions that you have for improvements to the marketplace or any other thoughts you have. Feel free to drop us a note on the contact form.
Kurt & Jenn | Cofounders | MusicSpoke

Kurt Knecht

Jennifer Rosenblatt